winter open exhibition 2017

Plus Oriel q art raffle 2017

25 November - 23 December 2017/25 Tachwedd - 23 Rhagfyr 2017

Our annual Winter Open Exhibition is once again an art lovers delight! With over 70 works, different subjects, medium and concepts are displayed. One most certainly not to miss. Below are just a few pieces from the show...

Mae ein Arddangosfa Agored Gaeaf flynyddol unwaith eto yn hyfryd o gariad celf! Gyda dros 70 o weithiau, mae gwahanol bynciau, canolig a chysyniadau yn cael eu harddangos. Yn sicr, peidiwch â cholli. Isod mae ychydig ddarnau o'r sioe ...

Julie Christine Gannon Freshwater West, Afternoon

Acrylic on panel £625

Leigh Sinclair Untitled

Acrylic, Ink £70

Peter Rossiter Abstract 'Piano'

Acrylic on Canvas £240

Diana Heeks Ynys 1`

Mixed Media on canvas £1000

Jon Hauser Carew Tidal Mill Walk with Red StrollerOil £575

Jon Hauser Carew Tidal Mill Walk with Red Stroller

Oil £575

Eileen Newell Reaching OutGouache on paper. Screenprint 1/1 £125

Eileen Newell Reaching Out

Gouache on paper. Screenprint 1/1 £125

Kathy Talbot Empty Bottle Full of Love

Acrylic £125

Suzie Ross Black Hill

Monoprint & chine colle £120

Zara Kuchi Study for BlodeuweddOil on paper £250

Zara Kuchi Study for Blodeuwedd

Oil on paper £250

David Slade We Are Stardust

Collage £90

oriel q winter art raffle 2017

23 December 2017/23 Rhagfyr 2017

Prize draw will commence at 2pm/Bydd tynnu gwobr yn cychwyn am 2pm.

As you may know, the Friends of Oriel Q have worked tirelessly each year to raise funds to help keep Oriel Q open. This year, the Friends would like to bring back the Christmas Art Raffle but we cannot do it without the extreme generosity of our supporters.

In the Gallery, we have a number of small blank canvases and we are asking artists and friends to take a canvas and create a piece of work that they are happy to donate as a raffle prize. Raffle tickets will be sold for £2 with all proceeds going towards Oriel Q. The Raffle will be drawn on the Saturday 23rd December 2017 - come join us for a mince pie!

If you would like to donate a piece of work to the Raffle, canvases are available from Oriel Q (if needed), once again any medium and content is welcome. We thank you in advance for your support.

Arddangosfa Gaeaf RAFFLE ... Gwobrau Tynnwch amser i'w gyhoeddi.

Fel y gwyddoch, mae Cyfeillion Oriel Q wedi gweithio'n ddiflino bob blwyddyn i godi arian i helpu i gadw Oriel Q ar agor. Eleni, hoffi'r Cyfeillion ddod â Raffl Celf Nadolig yn ôl, ond ni allwn ei wneud heb haelioni eithafol ein cefnogwyr.

Yn yr Oriel, mae gennym nifer o gynfasau bach gwag ac rydym yn gofyn i artistiaid a ffrindiau gymryd cynfas a chreu darn o waith y maent yn hapus i'w rhoi fel gwobr raffl. Bydd tocynnau Raffle yn cael eu gwerthu am £2 gyda'r holl enillion yn mynd tuag at Oriel Q. Bydd y Raffle yn cael ei dynnu ar Ddydd Sadwrn 23 Rhagfyr 2017 - dewch i ymuno â ni am mince pie!

Os hoffech chi roi darn o waith i'r Raffle, mae cynfasau ar gael gan Oriel Q (os oes angen), unwaith eto mae croeso i unrhyw gyfrwng a chynnwys. Diolchwn ichi ymlaen llaw am eich cefnogaeth.
