June 22nd until July 20th
An exhibition of monoprints, drawings, mixed media work and ceramics by Ruth Sargeant

Rooted in the landscape, made with and from the landscape, “Windfall Light” speaks softly and in echoes of the movement and light of the natural world in its imperfection and impermanence.
An ancient Sycamore flourishing on an Iron Age bank began this series of drawings. Black ink pens were attached to its branches and set on a smooth surface. The variety of marks made depended on the weather conditions and most were partially erased. Ghost images remained as rich but subtle surfaces grew, suggesting not only movement but the passage of time.
Ceramic forms grew from those initial drawings. The method of burning out material coated in liquid clay revisited but with pure porcelain, chosen for its whiteness, translucence and potential for fragility. IStrange things emerged, reminiscent, even poignant but many with a sense of whimsey.
Extending this collaboration with nature further, leaves and plants from the same location were used to create a series of mono prints using the colour directly from that material. As with the drawings and ceramics there was no intention to faithfully reproduce the plants themselves but to explore the use of botanical printing as an alternative to paint.
In essence, ink, clay and plant matter were subjected to less usual and somewhat risky processes to achieve an approximation of something that has not gone but transformed.
Serendipity played a part but the choice of what was removed and what remained was crucial. Letting go is perhaps one of the most challenging parts of the creative journey.