Landscape Painting…….and experiments

In the Gallery window, as Artist of the month, Ray Burnell is showing his atmospheric landscapes, often choosing that fleeting moment when a breath-taking gleam of sun shines through the mist, or a crack of light breaks through the clouds onto rocks and water, turning the Pembrokeshire landscape into something magical.


Oil Paintings - using cold wax medium.

Cold Wax Painting is an experimental, almost sculptural painting technique. Although artists do use it with pigment alone, it is most often seen in combination with oil paint. Cold wax paintings can range from those that use minimal amounts of wax to those that are predominantly wax. Typically cold wax paintings feature lots of texture as the medium allows you to build up layers, scrape back colour and create glazes.

Nowadays I rarely use a brush for painting. I now prefer SQUEEGEES, I love them !

My new best friend

Experiments - Acrylic Inks on Yupo Paper, and flow painting.

Took some time to play around with Yupo paper and acrylic inks. Yupo is a plastic paper that was originally created to use for shampoo bottles.

Yupo is a non-porous, acid free and pH neutral, synthetic paper which is machine made in the USA from 100% polypropylene. It is completely waterproof, stain-resistant and has become a unique and intriguing alternative to traditional art papers due to its strength and lifting properties.

The super smooth surface allows you to build up nuances and patterns that would normally be impossible to achieve on traditional watercolour and drawing paper.

Experiments - Monoprints with acrylic paint using a Gel Plate

Gel printing plates are a lively and instant method for creating monoprints, with the advantage that they don’t require the use of a printing press. Each print is unique and this highly adaptable process invites experimentation.

Monoprinting is a form of printmaking where the image can only be made once, unlike most printmaking which allows for multiple identical prints. An impression is printed from a reprintable block in such a way that only one of its kind exists, for example by incorporating unique hand selected colours or shapes. The beauty of monoprinting lies in its spontaneity and its allowance for combinations of printmaking, painting and drawing media.

My other new friends, the gel plate and roller