The exhibition will be opened by John Welson at Oriel Q Gallery Narberth on March 9th is MALCOLM DE CHAZAL 1902-1981 - "A Lost Fauve"
A superb exhibition of the original gouache paintings from the Armstrong Collection of Malcolm De Chazal. He was born in Mauritius in 1902 and was mainly known as a writer and a poet, his most notable books being Sens Plastique and Sens Magique. Jean Boninn has translated these and the quotes below are from him- "W.H.Auden said that he was "the most original and interesting French writer to emerge since the war". and Andre Breton hailed him as a surrealist. In 1950 Georges Braque encouraged him to paint and he has been described as an abstract-surrealist expressionist but to my mind he could be defined as a post-Fauvist." In 1967 he exhibited in The Mercury Gallery ,Cork Street, organized by Jaduiga Rostowska,who said that he was a difficult and secretive character. One of the paintings exhibited there was "Bateaux a Voiles" and 50 years on this will be on show at Oriel Q Gallery Narberth. Yvelaine Armstrong who has inherited this collection and holds the originals,(some of which are available to buy), is passionate about bringing this important artist to the attention of the public, and has also had limited editions of some of the work reproduced to an excellent standard which can be viewed and purchased in Oriel Q Gallery Narberth.
John Welson will also be delivering a talk about this fascinating artist on 5th April at 7pm in Oriel Q Gallery, as part of our Late night Art Discussion series.
Bydd John Welson yn cyflwyno sgwrs am yr artist diddorol hwn ar 5 Ebrill am 7pm yn Oriel Q Gallery.
Yr arddangosfa sy'n agor yn Oriel Q Gallery Arberth ar 9 Mawrth yw MALCOLM DE CHAZAL 1902-1981 - "A Lost Fauve". Arddangosfa wych o'r darluniau gwreiddiol o gasgliad Armstrong o Malcolm De Chazal. Fe'i ganwyd ym Mauritius ym 1902 ac fe'i gelwir yn bennaf yn awdur a bardd, a'i lyfrau mwyaf nodedig oedd Sens Plastique a Sens Magique. Mae Jean Boninn wedi cyfieithu'r rhain ac mae'r dyfyniadau isod yn dod oddi wrtho- "Dywedodd WHAuden mai ef oedd" yr awdur Ffrangeg mwyaf gwreiddiol a diddorol i ddod i'r amlwg ers y rhyfel ". Ac fe wnaeth Andre Breton ei enwi fel syrrealwr. Yn 1950 fe'i anogodd Georges Braque i beintio ac fe'i disgrifiwyd fel mynegiantwr haniaethol-haniaethol, ond yn fy marn i, gellid ei ddiffinio fel Fauvist. " Ym 1967, fe'i arddangosodd yn The Mercury Gallery, Cork Street, a drefnwyd gan Jaduiga Rostowska, a ddywedodd ei fod yn gymeriad anodd a chyfrinachol. Un o'r paentiadau a arddangoswyd oedd "Bateaux a Voiles" a 50 mlynedd ar hyn yn cael ei arddangos yn Oriel Q Gallery Narberth. Mae Yvelaine Armstrong sydd wedi etifeddu'r casgliad hwn ac yn dal y rhai gwreiddiol, (y mae rhai ohonynt ar gael i'w prynu), yn frwdfrydig am ddod â'r artist pwysig hwn at sylw'r cyhoedd, ac mae hefyd wedi cael argraffiadau cyfyngedig o rai o'r gwaith a atgynhyrchwyd i safon ardderchog y gellir ei weld a'i brynu yn Oriel Q Gallery Narberth.