We are closed until 15th February

January Portrait Sessions

Drawing / Sketching / Painting


Peter Spriggs and Hats

Tuesday January 28th

4.30 - 6.30pm

£5.00 Donation please

January Portrait Sessions

Drawing / Sketching / Painting


Susan and Martin sands

Thursday January 30th

4.30 - 6.30pm

£5.00 Donation please

coming soon

Artists in Residence

Lynn Stuart

15th to 21st February

Carolyn Young

22nd to 28th February

Collage Day with Harry Addyman

at Oriel Q

3rd February 10am to 4pm

£5.00 Donation please

Next members’ Exhibition

Who’s looking at who?

Real or imaginary !

Portraits of the human spirit

7th March to 5th April

Entry deadline Monday 3rd March



We have a lot to do and need more volunteers to come forward. If you can help in any way please get in contact.

We are reliant on membership fees to ensure we continue to be able to pay the rent and maintain the running of the gallery.

See work from our members here.


To make a donation, click below. Link takes you to paypal. Thank you

Oriel Q has been an important part of the Narberth art scene for around 20 years and we are determined that it should continue.

We are now volunteer led with a great group of Professionals and Artists whose job it is to make the Gallery sustainable for the future and retain this independant Art Gallery for the whole community in South West Wales, a far reaching vision for the Arts and opportunities for All kinds of Artists to utilise this fabulous Art Space and Gallery.
