Opening: 'THAW' by Eamon Colman
Friday 3rd August saw Eamon Colman return to Oriel Q Gallery, Narberth to open his new exhibition 'THAW'. This show has been highly anticipated and did not disappoint. Below are some images of the Opening; many thanks to David Street for documenting the evening.
Please click HERE for more information on Eamon's current exhibition at Oriel Q; HERE for details on his forthcoming talk at Oriel Q on 15th September 2018.
Eamon Colman stands in front of 'The Poet's House'
Groups of attendees gather to discuss the work
Contemplating the piece, 'Autocumulus clouds blow dreaming to alititude'
Lynne Crompton and Eamon Colman in conversation
Reflecting on 'The Poet's House'
Eamon Colman's exhibition is open until September 15th 2018 and will culminate in a talk delivered by Eamon himself. Join us here at Oriel Q at 2pm; all are very welcome and refreshments will be available
Exhibiting alongside Eamon Colman is Leigh Sinclair with his bold semi-abstract print paintings which play around with allegory, pattern line & colour. Please click HERE for more info.
Georgina Hughes is also exhibiting her photographic series 'Memento Mori' on The Stairs here at Oriel Q, her photographs playing close attention to the detail and exquisite beauty in the minutiae along with personal significance within objects. please click HERE for further details.